Paleo Diet Breakfast Ideas

Paleo Diet Breakfast Ideas

The Paleo Diet, popularized by Loren Cordain, Ph.D., is a diet method that espouses eating only foods that were available to Paleolithic people. This means diets free of grains, dairy, processed foods and foods high in sugars. In essence the Paleo Diet asks the dieter to “get back” to a truly all-natural diet and enjoy a variety of natural, whole foods that are less common in today’s society. As many rely upon sweet breakfast cereals, oats, and processed foods like breads for breakfast, it can be a challenge to adhere to the Paleo Diet during breakfast.


Your Paleolithic ancestors had access to the eggs, thus making them a staple in the Paleo Diet breakfast. Clinical nutritionist and author, Jonny Bowden, suggests that eggs are best consumed poached as there is no need for excessive and non-compliant fats and lessens the likelihood that the cholesterol would be oxidized, becoming less health for the body. Likewise, omelets stuffed with vegetables allow for a more complete Paleo meal.


Lean Meats

Lean meats make the cornerstone of many Paleo Diet meals as they are high in protein and vitamins and minerals that help maintain vitality. Grass-fed meats are generally recommended within the Paleo diet, given their more healthful fatty acid profiles.


Those seeking a sweet fix in the morning time while on the Paleo diet can benefit greatly from the variety of fruits available to the Paleolithic man. Fruits of all types are encouraged saving dried fruits in the Paleo Diet. As noted by Dr. Cordain, however, fruit alone does not satisfy the requirements, so include an egg or a lean meat source as well.

Panakes and Waffles

Pancakes and waffles are traditionally noted as not in compliance with a Paleo diet, however, with some culinary creativity, you can make a Paleo-friendly pancake. Try replacing the dry ingredients with almond or cashew meal, flax seed meal, coconut flour and a few scoops of pea protein powder and keep the wet ingredients the same, says John Berardi, nutritional biochemist and professor.

Check out these great Breakfast ideas on one of  our favorite websites: Paleo Diet Lifestyle website.  

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