Meet Julia Smith. She’s an incredible woman.
An entrepreneur, busy Mom and task oriented person who is used to getting the job done.
There was only one thing bothering her. When it came to losing weight, she was stuck. Even though she thought she was eating healthy and working out, she could not budge her pudge and was getting injured from her workouts.
Then something fateful happened. She walked into Pilates 1901 looking to learn more about Pilates by taking one of our Instructor Certification courses, and ended up staying for our T School presentation. The rest, shall we say, is history.
That’s because Julia has changed her life. In every way. She eats differently, works out differently, has lost over 25 inches and 15 lbs on her way to her new bikini body. Like so many of us “of a certain age,” Julia had started thinking her weight gain was an unavoidable and natural consequence of aging. What she discovered, and you can to, is that is completely and absolutely false! Here’s what Julia wants you to know….
” I heard about Pilates 1901 from driving by the building. I’ve known Tina for a long time so I also looked at the website. T School was completely unknown to me. I decided to sign up to get my Pilates Certification. I walked in for the first class and it had been canceled. It happened to be the second meeting of T School at the same time so I just joined. I saw all these women streaming in the door and congregating around the kitchen in the studio and they were excited. I was so ready to do something so I spontaneously jumped right in.
Because I joined the class spontaneously, I had no prior information about the T School program– I was totally clueless. You can imagine my surprise when the first thing Tina asked us to do was go on a three week detox with no sugar. I’ve wanted to lose weight for a long time. I’m in my late 40’s and I felt 20 lbs. overweight. Despite playing tennis three times per week in a clinic and competitively and eating a relatively healthy diet (or so I thought), I couldn’t budge my weight. I ate organic whenever possible, was a member of a CSA, and thought my mix of fruits, veggies, protein and carbs was sufficient. As a result, I was very discouraged and was starting to accept my weight as the inevitability of middle age.
Through T School, I learned that weight loss can occur without drastic measures like a diet that is so restrictive eating isn’t palatable or enjoyable. I love to eat. And moderate exercise is enough — no intense, boot camp-like exertion required. The Paleo Diet is delicious and flavorful. I can eat lots of things I never thought I could to lose weight.
The things we’re asked to eliminate during the detox are the culprits of weight gain and inflammation including sugar, processed foods, gluten, and lactose and limit starches and grains. Post detox, I use the principles as a guideline and really avoid or limit the list above.
Six weeks after the detox, I’m still losing inches because I chose to eat a savory and satisfying pot roast with greens and carrots and forego the bread and desert. All the little adjustments I made during the detox are habits I maintain like switching to an Americano without cream versus a cappuccino every day.
What was most valuable to me about T School was having knowledge and a plan, making the plan a habit, and the support group. While I thought I was pretty informed and healthy, I was consuming a lot of sugar and processed foods. As soon as I became conscious about what I was doing, I stopped.
THANK YOU, TINA. When I get to 50, I will have the bikini body I didn’t have at 30.” ~ Julia Gardner Smith
Pilates 1901 is so much more than a workout facility- it’s a family- a community where you can finally achieve the goals you thought were past you. Let us help you!
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