Why Paleo

Paleo and Protein

Paleo and Protein As hunter-gatherers, humans from the Paleolithic era would hunt for their protein. Animals provided the main protein source while wild plants supplied carbohydrates and fats. The contemporary approach to the Paleo nutrition program still follows the “hunter-gatherer”

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Paleo and Potatoes

Potatoes & the Paleo Diet Overview The Paleo diet follows the basic nutritional guidelines of our ancestors during the Paleolithic era. Focusing on whole foods, the Paleo diet has numerous restrictions on which foods to eat and which foods not

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Paleo Plan Breakfast ideas

Paleo Diet Breakfast Ideas The Paleo Diet, popularized by Loren Cordain, Ph.D., is a diet method that espouses eating only foods that were available to Paleolithic people. This means diets free of grains, dairy, processed foods and foods high in

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