Okay, so many of you know how crazy I am about coconut water because it keeps me so hydrated!   And if you’ve been paying attention in the past few months, you may have noticed that  I’ve recommended *using coconut oil in your cooking rather than olive oil as part of the Paleo lifestyle.

But did you also know there is new evidence that coconut oil may also help decrease the symptoms of Dementia and Alzheimers Disease?  Now having a healthy body is fine and good, but without a healthy mind to go with it, it really doesn’t matter how healthy you are physically.

One of our Pilates Fat Loss Formula participants, Treasa H.  sent this link to me via our Facebook page.  I wanted to share it with you just in case you had not made the switch to coconut oil in your own diet.





Coconut Oil is not hard to find.  You can get it at Trader Joes, Whole Foods or even HyVee.  In fact, I even found a spray version like PAM but it’s coconut oil!  If you watched the video above, you know it’s not just my wishful thinking – this is a no brainer- GET SOME TODAY!

Have your own stories to share on this topic?  Join us on Facebook or simply post your comment below!


*Using extra virgin olive oil in salad dressings is great, but when used in cooking at higher temperatures, olive oil oxidizes and becomes inflammatory= free radicals= not good.  The whole goal of eating Paleo is to reduce inflammation in our diets and in our bodies to increase our health and slow down the aging process.

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