Each month we feature one of our incredible clients as our Pilates Peep of the Month!
One of the distinctive features of working out at Pilates 1901 is the power of our awesome community. We are so lucky to work with such wonder people every day, and truly learn as much from our clients as they learn from us.
This month, I wanted to feature an amazing client, Nicola Heskett. Not only because of her commitment to her Pilates practice, but her commitment to our community. As the director of the Children’s Center for the Visually Impaired, Nicola works tirelessly to improve the lives of the children who come to the school, their parents, and the staff who serve them.
This month is an especially timely month to feature Nicola as April is the month that CCVI’s largest fundraiser, the Trolley Run is happening. This year, the 28th annual Trolley Run, a 4 mile run (or walk) from Waldo to the Country Club Plaza, is on Sunday, April 24th.
I hope you will join TEAM 1901 as we walk to improve the lives of the people served by CCVI and to honor all the hard work Nicola and her staff are doing daily.
I hope you will join us as well on Saturday, April 23rd at 12:00 pm as we hear from two blind athletes, Mary Winter and Amy Dixon as they share their inspiring stories with us.
Mary Winter and Amy Dixon both became blind later in life. Mary because she selflessly intervened to help another in an accident, and Amy due to a rare and unavoidable degenerative disease. Both women have overcome obstacles many of us of would find insurmountable, also finding the grace to share their experiences to bring awareness not only to the challenges of living life without sight,but to inspire each of us to face and overcome our own perceived limitations.

Amy Dixon
I hope you will join me on Saturday, April 23rd at Pilates 1901 at noon to hear their incredible stories.
The event is free and open to all. And if you have not yet signed up for TEAM1901, we’d love to have you join us on Sunday, April 24th for the 28th annual Trolley Run to support the Children’s Center for the Visually Impaired.
What else could be a better thing to do on a beautiful Spring morning in April?
If you’re interested in improving your body, your spirit and your energy, we’re here to help! For more information on getting started with us at Pilates 1901, click here.
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