First you start noticing you’re getting called “M’aam” or “Lady” or “Mrs…”
and that’s if they even notice you at all.
Where are the days when you get a double take,
a lingering look, a flush of joy from someone of the opposite sex?
When did it happen? When did I turn into the invisible woman?
Well, being in my mid 50’s I’ve got some news folks, I ain’t dead yet. In fact, I’m planning on living another 50 and if I happen to sag, drool and occasionally wet my dress, then I guess Herb will just have to figure it out.
My point is, we never have to feel invisible. We’re vital, enthusiastic and passionate women who take care of themselves! Am I right? I ain’t throwing in the towel and I hope you don’t feel like the years are asking you too either.
I know one way to avoid feeling old, fat, tired and depressed- eat right and move. It really is that simple.
And oh yeah, and skip the sugar. That sh*t will kill you and make you wish you were invisible.
Join me in September for the kick off of T School and get assessed to start your own journey!
And did I mention this workshop is FREE? It’s FREE folks so sign up today! Email me at tina@pilates1901.com
Because life’s too short to let AGE determine how you feel about YOU!
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